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Les Cappuccino was formed late 1995 by Tommy (guitar) and Marie (organ) in Kobe, inspired by Jimmy Smith, Booker T, Manfred Mann and J.T.Q. A year later they got a bass player Chiggy joined. Till now various drummers had been joined.


They reproduce perfectly the tone of British & French pop of the 60's. And their looks are just like slip away from Courréges catwalk, this group brings perfect "Mods" balance to the Pop scene. Considered as the most interesting group of the Mod Sixties scene in Japan. The band has been playing at lots of Japanese mod/sixties events, Mods Mayday in Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, and Fukuoka and March of The Mods in Tokyo since they was formed.


The album French Madison was released by Mad French label.

In 2002 French Madison came over to Europe, Alex Cooper from Los Flechazos, the face of Spanish Mod scene, discovered the album. With his eager request, Les Cappuccino joined “Purple Weekend“ in 2002. After great success in Europe, they were known by high-flying British Mods and Rob Bailey.

Their French Madison takes off again with the international release by FGL Productions as well as a French tour in 2003.

In 2004 they played at Modstock 2 in London They had great success at the Modstock 2 in 2004 where The Action played on the same night. The legendary stage performance made the audience go wild. After the performance, the popularity of the band was spread by word of mouth and in 2005 they released a seven-inch vinyl with the Detour Records Company. A compilation album was later released with Acid Jazz records. The band are currently based in Nara and even today they still manage to produce solid and modern stage performances as they are still going strong and carry on to be admired by the mod community of Japan.


Les Cappuccino (レ・カプチーノ)…1995年、Tommyによって結成される。現在メンバーは、 Tommy (G) Marie (Org. & EP) Chiggy (B) の3名。LIVEでは、サポートメンバーを含む5名で活動中。


60 年代初頭、イギリスで発祥した「Mods」というクラブカルチャー…そのエッセンスを受け継ぎ、現在進行形に彼ら独自の世界観で演奏するバンド。60sハ イセンスなオルガン・インストナンバーを軸に、 Modsのフレーバーたっぷりな幅広い数々の作品&レパートリーがあり、 その長きに渡る活動の中で、日、仏からCDアルバム、英から7インチ、またコンピレーションなど多数各国リリース。


Liveパフォーマンスに於いても、 国内のMods、60sクラブシーンはもとより、フランス・ツアー('03)やドイツ公演('04)、ヨーロッパ最大級のModsイベントPurple Weekend(スペイン'02)や Mods発祥の地イギリスでのModstock 2('04)にも招かれ、大成功を収め、今年2014年4月にはイギリスはロンドンにて開催される"Modstock 3"、及びModsの聖地ブライトンでのLIVE出演が決まっている。


そのファッションショーから抜け出したようなModsルックな男女混合の独特なスタイルと、 60sビンテージ楽器を駆使したそのサウンドで、 国内はもとより、今や世界中のMods達から熱い支持を受けている。

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